The menu bar and its items provide an access to all functions available.
Contains commands to save and load scripts.
Loads a data file content into the current script, thus erasing the former content.
Saves the content of the current script into a file.
Closes the script editor.
This menu contains commands to edit script contents.
Cancels the user's last action.
Restores the output of a cancelled action.
Moves the selected text into the clipboard.
Copies the selected text into the clipboard.
Inserts the text from the clipboard.
Inserts the content of the selected data file into the current script.
Searches and replaces text in the current script.
Performs the last search again.
Contains commands to compile and execute scripts.
Verifies the syntactic correctness of the script.
Executes the script.
Provides additional information about the performance of the script editor.
Opens the help menu of the script editor.
Displays information about the Cubetto Toolset.